Best lightweight mirrorless camera listed by weight

If you’re hiking or filming yourself, it can be frustrating to carry around heavy equipment. For my needs, I want the lightest equipment to do the job.

The lightest full-frame camera is the Sony ZV-E1 and the smallest APS-C camera is the a5100. While these cameras are compact they’re not the best for most people.

The best lightweight camera for most people is the Canon R8. It weighs only one pound, it has some great lens options, and it’s relatively affordable. But in my opinion, the best lightweight camera is the Sony a6700. It’s not the lightest but it has the most lens options and they’re much lighter than any full frame camera.

Lightest Full Frame cameras

CameraWeight (with battery)Sensor Resolution
Sony ZV-E114.1 oz/483 g)12.1 MP
Sigma fp14.89 pz/422 g24.6 MP
Canon R81.0 lb / 461 g24 MP
Canon EOS RP17.1 oz/485 g26.2 MP
Sony A7c17.95 oz/509 g24.2 MP
Sony A7Cii18.13 oz/514 g36 MP
Sony A7CR18.17 oz/515 g65 MP

Lightest APS-C cameras

While comparing aps-c all in one zooms I didn’t find a lot of great options. Most all-in-one zooms for aps-c don’t have great image quality, and this is why I decided Sony wins the lightest aps-c category. However, continue reading how fuji stacks up to full-frame.

The Sony a5100 is the lightest camera that offers interchangeable lenses. The only problem is it doesn’t have a viewfinder like the sigma FP and offers poor ergonomics.

a51009.98 oz
zv-e-1012.1 oz
Canon R5013.2 oz
Canon m50 ii13.7
a610013.97 oz
Canon R1015.1 oz
a670017.3 oz
a660017.76 oz
Canon R721 oz
Sony FX30 22.7 oz

Lightest aps-c camera and all-in-one zoom

At 9.98oz, the Sony A5100 is quite light and pocketable if you have a pancake lens attached. The lightest Sony aps-c lens that offers both wide and telephoto is the 18-135mm (27-202mm with crop) at 11.5 oz. Combined with the a5100 the weight is 21.48 oz or 608 g. If you can handle a few more ounces the a6100 weighs 13.97 oz.

The only problem with the a5100 is the age. This isn’t a problem for most landscape photographers, but if you want the latest and greatest, I would go with the zv-e-10.

WeightAll in one zoomCombined Weight
a51009.98 oz18-135mm21.48 oz/608g
zv-e-1012.1 oz18-135mm23.6 oz
Canon R5013.2 oz18-150mm24.1 oz
a610013.97 oz18-135mm25.47 oz/722g
a660017.76 oz18-135mm29.3 oz/829g
Canon m50 ii13.718-150mm 24.5 oz
Sony FX30 22.7 oz18-135mm34.2 oz


The a5100 is pretty lightweight Considering the A7iii Body is 22.88 oz, but keep in mind you will need an extra battery (1.5 oz) to keep up with the a7iii or a6600.

Lightest Full Frame Camera

As seen in the chart below the lightest full-frame mirrorless camera and super zoom is the Sony ZV-E1. The main thing making the ZV-E1 heavier than Aps-c is the battery size. You also need to realize that you lose valuable weight with the loss of a good EVF, and that’s why I prefer the A7Cii.

Here are the Sony a5100, A7c, and A7riii compared. As you can see the a5100 is tiny, but it’s also not that easy to hold. The A7riii is larger, but it has a substantial improvement in ergonomics.

Check out my other post on why I think the Sony A7c is still worth it today.

Lightest Full Frame camera and all-in-one lens

If you search for the lightest full-frame camera you will probably see many different options, but the problem with light cameras is that they usually have heavy lenses.

So what is the lightest camera and lens that also has the longest focal range, interchangeable lenses, and great image quality? For my needs the camera must offer a range from 35mm-180mm. The reason being that if you had to carry an extra lens you could save more weight with a super wide angle zoom rather than and heavier telephoto.

Now I understand the small point-and-shoot cameras are the real champions here, but I’m mostly talking about full frame or aps-c for their use of dynamic range and sharper optics.

Camera Weight (body) All in one Zoom Weight (lens) Combined Weight
Sony ZV-E114.1 ozTamron 28-200mm f2.8-5.620.3 oz34.4 oz/975 g
A7c17.95 ozTamron 28-200mm f2.8-5.620.3 oz38.25 oz/1084 g
A7sii22.1 ozTamron 28-200mm f2.8-5.620.3 oz42.3 oz/1196 g
Canon R816 ozCanon RF 24-240 f4-6.326.4 oz42.7 oz/1211 g
A7iii22.9 ozTamron 28-200mm f2.8-5.620.3 oz43.2 oz/1224 g
EOS RP17.11 oz24-240mm f4-6.326.4 oz43.5 oz/1233 g
Nikon Z623.7 oz24-200mm f4-6.320.1 oz43.8 oz/1241 g
Nikon Z723.7 oz24-200mm f4-6.320.1 oz43.8 oz/1241 g
Canon EOS R23.224-240mm f4-6.326.4 oz49.6 oz/1406 g
Sigma FP14.9 ozN/AN/AN/A
Ranked by the combined weight

Although the Nikon and Canon have slower apertures they offer image stabilization where the Tamron does not.

Is lens image stabilization, optics, or maximal aperture most important? If you don’t carry a tripod you might lean more toward Nikon or Sony. If you need sharp optics I would think the Tamron is the most sharp by a decent margin. It definitely wins the maximal aperture if you would also use this lens for travel considerations.

BH Photo

Lightest full-frame cameras for video

The chart below shows that the Sony A7c is slightly heavier than the Sony ZV-E-1. It also has a slightly smaller body design and features compared to the ZV-E1, such as a larger viewfinder. The overall dimensions are also marginally smaller. The Sony A7c is still one of the lightest full-frame cameras available and may suit your needs if you need the option of shooting both video and stills.

CameraWeight (with battery)Sensor Resolution
Sony ZV-E114.1 oz/483 g)12.1 MP
Sigma fp14.89 pz/422 g24.6 MP
Canon R81.0 lb / 461 g24 MP
Canon EOS RP17.1 oz/485 g26.2 MP
Sony A7c17.95 oz/509 g24.2 MP

Lightest Camera and lenses for Fuji

Lately, many landscape photographers are switching to Fuji over full frame. Fuji does not have a great all-in-one zoom, but they do have light lenses. Listed below are the lightest lens/camera combination for Fuji.

CameraWeightZoomCombined Weight
Fuji x-t3013.51 oz10-24mm, 55-200mm 48.22 oz/1367g
Fuji x-t319 oz18-135mm53.71 oz/1522g
A7iii22.9 ozTamron 28-20043.2 oz/1224 g

I understand this is not really a fair comparison, but it gives you an idea of how much weight you can save with the all-in-one zoom.

The best lightweight camera

The best lightweight camera in my opinion is the Sony a6700 for it’s size, ergonomics, performance, and lens selection.

It’s only 2-3 ounces heavier than the lightest aps-c cameras in its class. It also has the best ergonomics of any small Sony camera and it’s comparable to Canon and Nikon.

For performance, it’s as good as the high end cameras from Sony like the A7IV which costs twice as much. It’s also neck and neck with Canon’s equivalent R10 and R8.

But the main reason I think it’s the best is because APS-C lenses are so much lighter than full frame, and Sony has a vast lens selection for APS-C. I would say that it has more lens options than any other brand and they’re much more affordable.


If I could only choose one camera, I would go with the Sony A6700, A7c or A7Cii. They aren’t the lightest, but the EVF, battery life, and performance make these cameras worth it.

For aps-c, go for the a6700. It’s slightly heavier than other options, but you get better ergonomics and a decent viewfinder.

For a more budget option, go with the Canon R10. It’s slightly lighter than the Sony A7C and it’s half the price.

I think the best lightweight zoom is the Tamron 28-200mm. This lens is in a class of it’s own and is much sharper than what is offered by any aps-c lens.

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