Cyber Monday camera deals

Best Sony Camera and lens holiday deals (Tamron, Sigma, Sony)

This Black Friday and Cyber Monday has some pretty sweet deals especially if you’re willing to look at third-party lenses. Samyang is definitely the winner here and same with Tamron. Below are the best prices I’ve found for Sony camera deals for Cyber Monday.

Best Sony lens deals (full frame)





This lens is awesome for blogging, and astrophotography. It’s super sharp and a great competitor to the sony 20mm 1.8.

Best 85mm 1.4 for the price.

Best portrait lens for the price.

This lens is huge but it is a 1.4. I prefer the cheaper one listed below.

Best 35mm for the price.

This is Samyang’s flagship astrophotography lens.

This 35mm will go perfect with an A7c.

Best Sony Camera Deals

If you click the link below it will have Sony prices, but the image below will have current Amazon pricing.

Best Sony APS-C lens deals